Supporting the people and places of Tahoe

Donate Now!

You may make a charitable contribution directly to the Parasol Tahoe Community Foundation to benefit a fund held with the Community Foundation by selecting a fund below.

(If you do not see a fund listed, please choose "Donate to a fund of your choice".)

Community Foundation Funds

Giving for Good
Parasol Tahoe Community Foundation
Support the people and places of Tahoe by providing a social safety net, creating mentorship and education, supporting the arts, and by preserving our environment, homes, neighbors, and pets! Together, by Giving for Good, your generosity will help transform our community.
Community Foundation Endowment Fund
Parasol Tahoe Community Foundation
Provide a long-term investment in the Community Foundation’s vision of a thriving Tahoe community created through meaningful philanthropy, inclusive communication, and the willingness to explore possibilities together.


Fire Funds

Tahoe Fire Safe Fund
To support various initiatives intended to improve fire safety and community well-being for Tahoe communities
Tahoe Fire Helicopter Fund
To support a dedicated Tahoe Region fire and rescue helicopter program to protect lives, property, and our fragile ecosystem.


Fiscal Sponsorship Fund

Lahontan Community Foundation Fund
The Lahontan Community Foundation is asking for your help in raising funds for the community. These funds will provide critical support and services to the Truckee/North Tahoe community over the next year.


Committee Advised Funds

Good Neighbor Fund of Incline Village Realtors®
Join the Incline Village Realtors® in providing support for charitable and educational programs and activities in the Incline Village/Crystal Bay community.

Donate to a fund of your choice
Additional Giving Options

Gifts of Cash

Please make checks payable to:
Parasol Tahoe Community Foundation
948 Incline Way
Incline Village, NV 89451
(Note fund designation on memo line of your check)

Other Types of Gifts

We offer you a number of additional options for charitable giving. If you prefer to make a gift of

  • Marketable securities
  • Wire Transfer
  • IRA Charitable Rollover
  • Donor advised grant
  • Private foundation grant

or would like to learn more about various gift options, or receive a copy of our gift acceptance policy, please contact:

Mackenzie Sweigert
Donor Services Director


If you are interested in establishing your own fund at the Parasol Tahoe Community Foundation, please contact us.