Supporting the people and places of Tahoe

What to Give

We are able to accept a variety of gifts - from simple to complex. And, because we are a 501(C)3 public charity, contributions qualify for the maximum deductibility for income, gift, and estate tax purposes.

To Learn More:

What to Give

Types of Gifts

Cash & Cash Equivalents

Cash gifts - checks, credit cards, or actual cash - are the easiest way to give.

Marketable or Closely Held Securities

Stock, bonds, or mutual fund gifts may be used to establish a fund or add to an existing fund. The added benefit of giving appreciated securities held for more than one year is the avoidance of the capital gains tax on the appreciated portion of the gift.

Transfers From an Existing Private Foundation

Administering a private foundation under IRS rules can be burdensome and expensive. It is easy and convenient to convert a private foundation into a fund at the Community Foundation. Some advantages include preferred charitable deductibility of additional gifts, administrative cost savings, anonymity, and grantmaking support.

Qualified Charitable Distributions

If you are 70 ½ years of age or older, directing a gift from your retirement account to a public charity allows you to avoid taxes on up to $108,000 per year. And this transfer is not subject to the deduction limits on charitable gifts. While current IRS rules prohibit Qualified Charitable Distributions into donor advised funds, we have a number of other fund options for you to consider.

Real Estate & Other Complex Gifts

Money is not the only gift option. Real estate, business interests, and tangible personal property all can be used to establish a charitable fund while providing you with tax benefits.


Including a charitable bequest in your will or trust is a simple way for you to make a lasting gift. Percentage, specific or residual bequests may be used to establish a fund in your name, creating a legacy, or to add to an existing fund held at the Community Foundation. Bequests to any fund allow your charitable intentions to be honored while significantly reducing taxes on your estate.

Life Insurance

Life insurance can be used to create a charitable gift in one of two ways. First, while retaining ownership of a policy, you can name the Parasol Tahoe Community Foundation as the beneficiary of the policy. Second, you can transfer ownership of a policy to the Community Foundation and receive a current income tax deduction in the year the transfer is made.

Designated Beneficiaries - Retirement Plans & More

Designating all or part of unused assets in retirement plans, such as IRA, 401(k), 403(b), pension or other tax-deferred plans, is the best asset for you to use for making a charitable gift while reducing the assets subject to income tax in their estates. Additionally, you may designate the Parasol Tahoe Community Foundation and funds held at the community foundation in your estate plans as a beneficiary of investment accounts and bank accounts.
Charity Navigator - Charity Navigator, the nation’s largest charity evaluator, has continually awarded the Parasol Tahoe Community Foundation its highest possible rating of 4 stars. In addition, we have received a perfect overall score of 100 points, designating us as an exceptional charity. We are in the top 1% of charities rated and this sets us apart from our peers and demonstrates to the public our trustworthiness.
The Parasol Tahoe Community Foundation has been certified by the Community Foundations National Standards Board confirming that we meet the most rigorous standards in philanthropy. This certification is designed to provide quality assurance to donors, as well as their legal and financial advisors.